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My Lord of the Rings Photo Page

Lord of the Rings- Poems from book

Elijah Wood-keeper of the Ring

Elijah Continued........

Orlando Bloom Picture Page

Two Towers Script

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Orlando Bloom
A.K.A Legolas,Orli

Sorry that there are not as many pictures here as there are for Elijah Wood, I cannot help that yet but I may add another page just for Orli. Enjoy!

  Isn't he all that! Isn't he perfect?!(Ruby I hope you like these pics if not you have to find me some to update them with)

  So HOt! I mean hey i don't think anyone can disagree that he is one hot peice of man flesh!hehe right Maranwe?

  ORLANDO BLOOM! Orlando Bloom! hey he's in can't deny that!ARGH!!! eye spy with me little eye a sea worthie ladie!

